Confidentiality is vital to ensure the group feels safe and you’re free to share whatever you want to share. All group members must commit to never talking about what another group member has said. You can talk about your personal experience being in the group to friends & partners etc, but never talk about what another man has shared. We will discuss this when the group meets.
As two professionals we offer complete confidentiality except in the following instances:
- If we believe you are at serious risk of harming yourself or others. We would only do this in imminent circumstances, and we will try and discuss it with you first.
- Like all mental health professionals, we are mandatory reporters under NSW child protection law, and this means that in a case where a child is at risk, we are required to make a report to the relevant authorities.
- We may sometimes discuss client work with a clinical supervisor. The same code of ethics and confidentiality binds our supervisors.
We do not keep case notes from the group.